Is It Too Late to Learn Swimming if You Are Above 25?

No. Here’s my story of how I learned it at 36.

Parameshwar Hegde
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A man swimming in water
Photo by TALAVIYA RAHUL on Unsplash

Many people feel it is too late to learn to swim as you grow up.

Some think it is late if you are above 25. Some even ask, ‘is it too late if you are above 20?’

I was no different. This mindset was deeply ingrained in me: You need to learn to swim when you are a kid. It becomes more difficult as you grow up.

I was afraid of deep water. I never learned to swim when I was a kid. Whenever I thought of learning it, either I was busy or I had some excuse, but the reason was I was afraid.

I had tried to learn when I was 22 by joining the swimming class in my office campus after office hours. I had tried for 15 days, learned a bit of floating and kicking, but didn’t quite learn it. It was hard. I stopped.

I had this thought to learn it someday. You know, I didn’t want to die as a scholar who didn’t know how to swim! I had tried again, once when I was 29 and another time when I was 31. I tried to learn on my own. Both times I didn’t progress well. I had quit.

But I wanted to learn this life skill.

Whenever I thought about learning it, I always felt — “it is too late to start now.”



Parameshwar Hegde
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Senior Leader in Corporate IT in his early 40’s. Curious Observer at work and life. Sharing learning and experiences through interesting stories.