Is Your Body a Slave to Your Mind?

Anya Leela
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readMay 16, 2020


Picture designed by the author

Dissociation, or what is also referred to as escapism, is a coping mechanism. Usually we think of it in the most obvious forms, like alcohol and drugs, things that actually numb your physical body out. But in a sense, you are not escaping, you just numb the body and take your mind out. If there was a house called ‘here and now’, both body and mind are still at home, it is just they have been both tied up and blindfolded.



Anya Leela
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Yoga Teacher. Background in Sociocultural Anthropology. Trying to find answers to an ultimate question “Why do we do things that we do?” | Know Why Publication