Is Your Procrastination a Wake-Up Call?

How ignoring the signs can cost you more than just time

J.R. Flaherty
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

Could your procrastination be the silent alarm telling you to stop?

Procrastination is often misunderstood as laziness, but it’s actually telling you something important about alignment — or lack of alignment.

We often fool ourselves into thinking “everything is fine” because, well, we need stability, right? It may be a bad job or situation, but we need the money, the experience. Yet, deep down, we know when things aren’t right. And while it often doesn’t take much to realize this, sometimes life throws us a stark reminder.

This reality came crashing down on me when I was just 19. One of my first jobs was as a temp receptionist at the city train system, thinking it would be an easy gig. It was anything but. The job was so mind-numbing that it left me practically catatonic. The phone barely rang. I spent hours arranging and rearranging envelopes — anything to pass the time.

Then, out of nowhere, came my wake-up call. As I sat drowning in excruciating boredom, I was startled by footsteps creeping up behind me. I jerked upright so fast that I bashed my head on the corner of a shelf. Blood started streaming down my face. I looked down at the blood on my shirt, a literal shock to the…

