It’s Better to Have Compassion for Avoidant Attachment Styles

Although it might seem better to be angry at those with an avoidant attachment style, compassion will make you feel a lot freer. This article will tell you how.

Nia Cherie
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

A few summers ago, I first heard the term “avoidant attachment style.” It was from Thais Gibson, relationship and integrated attachment theory expert. She explained that the people you date who are avoidant of their emotions, hot & cold, struggle with connecting and being present have an “avoidant attachment style.” They may ghost you for days, not proactively want to engage in emotional or physical intimacy, and overall just seem detached and disconnected from you.

We all have an attachment style, and there are four options. Our attachment style is the way we learned to interact with others, based on how we learned to connect to our caregivers and partners growing up. Experts estimate that about one in four people have an avoidant attachment style.

Estimates suggest roughly 50 percent of the population is secure, 20 percent is anxious, 25 percent is avoidant and 5 percent is disorganzed/fearful-avoidant.

From Washington Post



Nia Cherie
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I enjoy spreading the truths of what I've learned about love, compassion, life, and empowerment. Thanks for reading! :)