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I’ve Spoken to an I.T. Manager Who is [Still] Stuck in the Past Decade. I’m Shocked.
The world can be unkind to many. I resonate.
Marketers, technology folks, and professional services consultants have it hard in the retrenchment game.
The rolling waves of retrenchment hit them hard. It is [almost] a matter of time.
I spoke with [my ex-colleague] Jared last Wednesday. We have not been in contact for years. When his text hit my home screen — I was stumped.
“Hmm… what does he want from me?”
Regardless, I agreed to meet him. I guessed he would try to sell me something as a multi-level marketer or… looking for a job.
It was the latter.
Hard Financial Hit / Salary Ice Age / 8 Months of $0 Income
“I was retrenched 8 months ago. I thought I would land myself in a new job within weeks, given my experience and expertise. I was shocked. I only got 1 interview a month. This is really bad.”
Jaded painted a [really] bleak picture of the hiring ground for in-house I.T. His tonality convinced me so. Desperation drove the quivers and shivers in his articulation.