Kindness Is Noble: Share the Love

A story about a kid from Nyamirambo (Rwanda)

Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash

I still vividly remember the first time I witnessed an act of kindness, an act so surreal that inspired me to appreciate this gift of life. The morning routine started just like any other by breaking fast with my parents and proceeding on to complete my chores before heading out to catch up with the homies in the neighborhood.

Back in those childhood years, we spent most of our days exploring the neighborhood, playing soccer, or competing for the rarest marbles; this was quite the popular game in our childhood before the dawn of technology, hours would fly by before we would recognize that the dusk was upon us.

So, after having breakfast, I proceeded to quickly do my chores for the day because there was no way my mother would let me out without finishing them. I was anxious to be out the door this particular morning because we had a big soccer game against kids from another vicinity.

These soccer sessions were not just any games. The reputation of the neighborhood was always at stake.

As I was getting out of the door, I ran into another kid that was getting ready to knock on our home. I had never met him before, so I was a bit distraught by this. The kid was simply asking for bread. As foolish and immature as I…



Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Faith & Life Ambassador, Quadrilingual, Visionary, Writer, Adventurer