Leap Into the Unknown

100 Adventures to Transform Your Life.

Teronie Donaldson
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readMay 8, 2024


Photo by Damaris Isenschmid on Unsplash

Are you under 100? Chances are you are.

If not, thank you for spending your valuable time with me, but as you more likely are, it's time to roll up your sleeves and dive into the vast experiences YOUR life has to offer.

Pushing yourself to try new things isn’t just about adding excitement to your days; it’s a fundamental part of growing and evolving. Things have always gotten interesting when I try new things. Things such as new careers, new skills, new events, etc.

Whether pursuing a long-forgotten dream or picking up a skill you never thought you’d need, stepping out of your comfort zone is more than an adventure — it’s a gateway to discovering your true potential.

Regardless of age, trying new things is crucial to personal and professional growth. Exploring uncharted territories, learning new skills, or engaging in unique experiences is especially significant when you’re under 100.

Here’s why experimenting and taking risks is essential for your growth:

Embracing Change

When willing to try new things, you’re more adaptable to change. This flexibility is a critical trait, as it allows you to navigate the shifting landscapes of life and work with confidence. By embracing change, you increase your ability to thrive in various environments.

Developing New Skills

Learning new skills is a direct outcome of trying different activities. Whether picking up a new hobby, learning a language, or exploring technology, every new skill you acquire adds to your toolkit. This diversification enhances your career prospects and enriches your personal life.

Building Resilience

Trying new things often means stepping out of your comfort zone, which can be uncomfortable. However, this process builds resilience. By confronting and overcoming challenges, you strengthen your mental fortitude and become better equipped to handle adversity.

Discovering New Passions

When you experiment with different activities, you might discover a new passion or interest you never knew existed. This can lead to unexpected opportunities and connections, enriching your life.

Boosting Creativity

Exploring uncharted territories fuels creativity. Your ability to think creatively expands as you encounter new perspectives and ideas. This creativity can positively impact your personal and professional endeavors, leading to innovative solutions and fresh solutions to problems.

Expanding Social Connections

Trying new things often involves meeting new people. This can lead to building new friendships and expanding your social network. These connections can provide support and encouragement and even open doors to new opportunities.

Building Confidence

When you successfully navigate new experiences, your confidence grows. This increased self-assurance can spill over into other areas of your life, helping you take on more significant challenges and pursue ambitious goals.

Lifelong Learning

Trying new things instills a sense of lifelong learning. It encourages you to stay curious and open-minded and continually seek growth. This mindset contributes to a fulfilling and dynamic life, even as you age.


Trying new things when you’re under 100 is a gateway to personal growth, professional success, and a richer life. Whether taking a class, traveling to new places, or learning a new skill, embracing experimentation can lead to a more rewarding and fulfilling journey.

The key is to stay curious, open to change, and willing to step out of your comfort zone.

Photo by Matthew Sleeper on Unsplash


Here’s a list of 100 new things you can try to spice up your life, expand your skills, and perhaps discover new passions:

  1. Take a pottery class
  2. Learn to knit or crochet
  3. Start a blog about something you’re passionate about
  4. Try a new sport, like paddleboarding or rock climbing
  5. Cook a recipe from a different country every week
  6. Write and illustrate a children’s book
  7. Volunteer at a local charity
  8. Take a dance class, like salsa or swing
  9. Learn a new language
  10. Practice meditation and mindfulness
  11. Join a book club
  12. Try geocaching
  13. Start a YouTube channel
  14. Learn to play a musical instrument
  15. Grow a garden, even if it’s just herbs on a windowsill
  16. Take up photography
  17. Go backpacking through a national park
  18. Attend a theater performance
  19. Learn to make homemade soap or candles
  20. Take a mixology course
  21. Try urban sketching
  22. Participate in a fitness challenge
  23. Read a book in a genre you usually avoid
  24. Learn calligraphy
  25. Try birdwatching
  26. Attend a virtual reality gaming session
  27. Start a collection (coins, stamps, vintage postcards)
  28. Try making your own cheese
  29. Take an improv comedy class
  30. Learn to code
  31. Participate in a flash mob
  32. Take up archery
  33. Go on a silent retreat
  34. Try ice skating or rollerblading
  35. Learn to make sushi
  36. Go skydiving
  37. Start a podcast
  38. Learn about wine tasting
  39. Take a graphic design course
  40. Go vegan for a month
  41. Restore an old piece of furniture
  42. Learn origami
  43. Try your hand at filmmaking
  44. Take a self-defense class
  45. Write a letter to your future self
  46. Go to a drive-in movie
  47. Attend a live podcast recording
  48. Learn to surf
  49. Try stand-up comedy
  50. Start a DIY project
  51. Take a beekeeping workshop
  52. Go whitewater rafting
  53. Attend a music festival
  54. Explore local history through a guided tour
  55. Learn to juggle
  56. Take a tarot reading class
  57. Try fasting for a day
  58. Go on a digital detox for a weekend
  59. Create a family tree
  60. Try an escape room
  61. Learn to scuba dive
  62. Go horseback riding
  63. Attend a masquerade ball
  64. Learn to sew and make your own clothes
  65. Participate in a mud run
  66. Take a hot air balloon ride
  67. Attend a comic book convention
  68. Join a choir or local band
  69. Take a sailing lesson
  70. Create a scrapbook
  71. Join a fantasy sports league
  72. Try acupuncture or cupping
  73. Go to an art exhibit opening
  74. Try making pottery on a wheel
  75. Go fruit picking at a local farm
  76. Join a historical reenactment group
  77. Try aerial yoga
  78. Build a model airplane or ship
  79. Attend a lecture on a subject you know little about
  80. Go on a street art tour
  81. Join a meditation retreat
  82. Learn to make craft cocktails
  83. Write poetry
  84. Join a debate club
  85. Learn about a new religion or philosophy
  86. Take a first aid course
  87. Go on a ghost tour
  88. Try soapbox derby racing
  89. Attend a DIY pottery and ceramics workshop
  90. Explore a cave
  91. Learn to skateboard
  92. Participate in a community play
  93. Go snorkeling
  94. Start a home brewing beer kit
  95. Take a Zumba class
  96. Write and perform a song
  97. Go on a food tour in your city
  98. Try a new form of exercise, like pole dancing or kickboxing
  99. Watch a documentary on a topic you know nothing about
  100. Organize a community cleanup

This list offers a wide range of activities that can suit various interests and skill levels. The key is to choose something that feels exciting and a little daunting; that’s where the real growth happens! So, pick an item or two from the list that resonates with you and get started. Each new experience is a step towards a richer, more diverse life. Enjoy exploring!

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Teronie Donaldson
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Student of life. I write about books, productivity, reading, and applying what I learned. I hope it helps. *Check me out *https://linktr.ee/Teronie