Letting Go of Our Grievances is All Upside, No Downside

Here’s how to do it.

David Gerken
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Sandis Helvigs on Unsplash

Grievances. We all have them. What do I mean by grievances? I’ll define it as harboring bad feelings about others.

And here’s what matters: They do us absolutely no good and all harm. Try this. Take a moment and think about someone you currently have a grievance with. Now ask yourself: Is anything good coming to me by feeling this way?

Poisonous packets of pus

The answer is, in just about every case, a resounding NO. Not only does nothing good come from it, but we actually pay a price. Because every grievance manifests as a packet of psychic, poisonous pus inside us. Acquire enough of these packets and we become that type of person we all know: A walking grievance in search of a cause.

The reason grievances are all negative, no positive is that they spring from our egos. How do we know that? Because our conscious, true selves don’t even know what a grievance is. They can’t be injured by anything somebody does or says to us.

My own embarrassing grievances

Here are a couple of ego-produced grievances of my own. [No judging, please. Remember the great words of Jesus Christ himself: “Let ye who has not harbored an embarrassing grievance cast the first stone.” Or…



David Gerken
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Meditation and Mindfulness teacher. Dad of three precious kids. Former writer for THE WEST WING. Follow me at davidgerken.net.