Life Always Sorts Itself Out

Lessons from reading my journal cover to cover


Going through my old journal, the one I have been writing in since 2018, was a surprisingly profound experience. As I read through each page, I watched my younger self tackle each situation I have been through in the past three years. Each passage teleported me back into the exact moment that was unfolding, but this time I knew how everything would play out.

It was a strange feeling knowing that everything would be okay as I read my own worrying thoughts about how things would play out. I felt a mixture of pride, nostalgia, and a sense of wonder as I watched myself slowly grow into the person I am today. Some passages seemed so neurotic and poorly written that I was embarrassed that I ever wrote them. Yet others were beautiful and surprised me with the depth of what I had written.

The biggest takeaway from this whole experience was that my life always sorted itself out in one way or another. No matter how much I was worried about an upcoming event or deadline, that day always came and it always passed. I always made it through.

This takeaway may sound obvious but how many times in our lives do we feel like the world is ending? It’s easy to zoom in on our specific circumstances so much that every issue and problem seems insurmountable. Each…

