Life is Not a Zero-Sum Game. Stop Falling For It

This is the biggest lie society teach us

Prakash Joshi Pax
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

People get jealous of others simply because they are in better positions. They envy people who win. They think that there can’t be more than 1 winner. They believe that it is not fair that others have stuff you deserve. They think that if someone is already in a place that we want to be in, they can’t be there. But that’s complete bullshit.

People believe that for them to win in life, someone else has to lose. I myself am guilty of having this mindset for a long-time. I had a zero-sum mindset. I was jealous of others. I engaged in unhealthy competition and even hated others for no reason.

But let me tell you the truth, life is not a zero-sum game. Someone doesn’t have to lose for you to win and vice-versa.

What is a Zero-Sum Game

Taken from the game theory, a zero-sum is a situation where each participant's gain is balanced by the loss of another and vice-versa. And the sum of all gains and losses is exactly zero i.e. (+1)+(-1)=0

It’s captured by saying, “Your gain is my loss” and “Your loss is my gain”.

In a zero-sum game, there is a limit on how much one can win and a person’s win becomes an opportunity cost for another person.



Prakash Joshi Pax
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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