Living with Mindfulness Using Tarot Cards

High Priestess

Marlane Ainsworth
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


High Priestess — Rider-Waite Tarot deck — Photo by Marlane

Who do you go to if you have a personal problem?

Traditionally, sages hid in mountain caves, crones lived in huts on the village fringe, wise men hung around city gates and the High Priestess lived in the temple. If you had a question, you knew where to find them. These days everyone knows psychologists are found in fancy city offices and counsellors rent small rooms in side streets.

Humans have always had questions and we’ve always gone to someone else for answers.

This is a good thing.

But there is another way.

Before I explain what that is, let’s look at the High Priestess of Tarot and the symbols surrounding her.

The High Priestess sits upright and calm in the centre of the card, looking the epitome of a wise person. She’s positioned between two pillars representing opposites:

light and dark; illumination and shadow; past and future; positive and negative; good and evil; life and death; beginnings and endings.

She holds a scroll of recorded wisdom. The cross at her breast points north, south, east and west. Her horned helmet denotes authority, and the circle perched on the horns is the world. The crescent moon at her feet reminds us of…



Marlane Ainsworth
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Memoir writer. Spiritual writing. Signposts for living are embedded in daily life. Notice messages from your heart and soul.