Loners Have These Personality Traits

How to know if you’re a loner

Evans Okoro
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Loners enjoy spending as much time alone as possible. Loners have friends but prefer being alone most times, and there’s nothing wrong with that. In this article, I’ll show you the personality traits of people who like to be alone.

They value time

They understand that time is the most valuable asset for a successful life, so they do everything they can, never to be late. Or waste anyone’s time. Or allow anyone to waste their own time.

They’re highly self-aware.

Because of their self-awareness, they can understand everyone around them. And even in tough situations, they can easily embrace and navigate through the episodes.

They’re open-minded

Loners are always up for new ideas and activities. But need to have enough alone time to recharge before going anywhere.

They have clear boundaries.

Because loners are always reflecting, they understand their strengths and values. And this helps them set boundaries that work for them.

They are empathetic

