The Truth About Making Money on the Spiritual Path

It’s what no one wants to admit.


Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Here’s the blunt truth: You are not likely to make a lot of money on the spiritual path.

Whether you’re working as a healer, a psychic, a meditation instructor, a tarot reader, a spiritual teacher, a writer, or a coach, the chances are low that you will find your bank account flooded from your services.

What’s the Spiritual Problem with Money?

For some spiritual seekers, there is deep resistance to money. That resistance stems from a valid concern for the inequities in our society. If you’re on a spiritual path, you’re committed to reducing harm and not depriving others. There’s a sense that if you make too much, you’re part of the problem.

I get that. But it mistakes money for a capitalist system that places high value on some services and little value on others. We live in a material world that still requires money, as the energy through which goods and services are exchanged.

Few want to admit to the spiritual world’s problem with money. The practitioners who have the best (but still not great) chance to earn a sustainable living are the really expensive psychics who can guide you to make successful decisions (they charge upwards of $500 per hour)…



Patrick Paul Garlinger
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Author of Endless Awakening: Time, Paradox, and the Path to Enlightenment and other books. Former prof & lawyer, now mystic, writer, intuitive.