Manifestation for Beginners (5 Steps)

The Sceptic’s Mini Guide to the Law of Attraction.

Oaklyn Giradello
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readJul 10, 2020


Photo by Drew Colins on Unsplash

OK, so we’ve all heard the terms ‘Law of Attraction’ and ‘Manifestation’ right? The ability to call on the universe to draw your desires to you, simply by focusing on the energy you express. Want a new car? The perfect husband? Those jeans that sold out before you could get your hands on them? Of course! But how does all of this work? And where do you start? I’m going to break down the process into simple to follow steps so you too can change your perspective and begin to create the life of your dreams!

As a former sceptic I know how all of this sounds… A bit ‘airy fairy’ and like something your weird aunt with the crystals and incense might talk about at the Christmas dinner table. Or maybe you have the idea that only 100 year old Buddhist monks who’ve lived their whole lives in solitude, drinking green tea and meditating for 12 hours a day are able to harness this energy — Not true, every person has this power and you should start using it. Like now.

I totally get where you’re coming from, but I can tell you after reaching rock bottom following a traumatic relationship and finding myself alone, depressed and unfulfilled in my life I was happy to open my mind just a little to the prospect that it could work — And it did.

I have manifested big things from a city relocation, an (almost) perfect man, and a great job, to smaller things like finding the perfect parking space and free cake (I know… it’s awesome).

Now I didn’t just stumble across this myself, I had a good friend lend some beginner knowledge that got me going and I’m hoping I can be that for you now.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Here’s how to start:

1. Be open minded: You only need a little bit of faith at this point, you can prove the process to yourself and slowly to build up your belief. Once you believe, you’ll be able to stay in the right frame of mind to manifest your dreams. A good place to start is asking for a sign from the universe. Ask the universe out loud (or even in your head) to show you a certain flower, your favourite animal or a number like 2222 or 1234. When you receive these signs you will see that the universe is listening, which will strengthen your belief. Many non-believers will say that see a certain number over and over, this is subconscious manifestation so if this is you, you’re already on the right path. You just need to hone in on that and pay attention to the universes’s messages.

2. Document your desires: Create a list by writing down all of the things you want in your life, or create a vision board by collecting pictures of your manifestations and keep it somewhere safe. This can be on paper or simply on your phone (Of course theres an app for that). Don’t hold back, be specific and dream BIG! You can look at each of these practices as a check list to tick off when you receive each one, and of course add new ones.

Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

3. Be grateful: This sounds like something that should be common sense but the truth is, we take so much of our lives for granted (Like a safe place to sleep, or clean drinking water). The basis of manifestation is that what we put out, will be what we get in return. Taking a real look at all we have to be thankful for will raise your vibration and get those beautiful positive feelings flowing. A great way to do this is to write a gratitude journal each morning. Write out all you have to be grateful for today, sit with the feeling of gratitude, breathe it in — You’ll instantly feel uplifted, and this is the feeling we are trying to draw to us, the universe is listening.

4. Meditate: This can feel weird if you have never done it before but trust me. Aside from the scientifically proven health benefits, meditation is a powerful tool for manifestation. You can find many manifestation meditations for free on You Tube, just find one that resonates with you and I promise you will feel a shift in your energy. I like to do these with headphones in right before I go to sleep.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

5. Let it go: The universe is like a giant mirror, it doesn’t care what’s good or bad it just reflects the same energy back to us. That means that if you’re holding onto your manifestations too tight you are putting fearful and desperate vibes out there, and what will the universe do? Give more of that right back to you — No thanks! You need to hold your manifestation, and then just let it go out into the universe. You must believe that the universe is working hard to bring your manifesations to you so there’s no need to stress about it. This step can be tricky if you’re a bit of a control freak, so one tip I have for this is to keep your vision board or list hidden away so you don’t obsess over it. You can revisit it every once in a while to tick your manifestations off.

Once you receive each manifestation, remember to thank the universe and be grateful for what you have achieved.

Start small, build belief and go get em’! You’re infinitely more powerful than you think.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

