Master Stress Like a Monk With This 3-Step Process

How you can use micro meditation to reprogram your stress reaction.

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Change Your Mind Change Your Life


When was the last time you didn’t feel stressed? Still trying to remember? Me too!

No day passes without feeling at least a tiny bit guilty about the things I didn't get done. The funny thing is even if I have a productive day, the to-do list never gets shorter — no end in sight.

Let’s face it there will always be a million things we believe we should do. The world is spinning faster every day. It’s hard to keep up. Our stress level is only going to increase if we don't consciously work against it.

Stress is a feeling.

Did you know you can control your feelings? Don’t believe me? Let’s make an experiment.

Turn on a sad love song. (Maybe this one) How does it make you feel?

Now switch to your favourite happy mood song. This one is mine.

And? How do you feel?

See music can influence your mood so easily — be the DJ of your life.

If stress is a feeling and we can control our feelings, then we can reign over how much stress we allow into our lives.

Remember that stress doesn’t come from…



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