Michael Singer’s Go-to Spiritual Tool to Help Us Chill Out on Life: Astronomy

Gaining perspective from the cosmos.

David Gerken
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo Taken by Voyager 1 on February 14, 1990 (NASA)

I have listened to hundreds of hours of Michael Singer’s talks, and I’d guesstimate that in at least half of them, he talks about astronomy. Why?

First, because he’s interested in astronomy. He’s a science buff who loves to explain how and why we are all composed of the different atoms that were created in the stars over the past 13.8 billion years.

But the main reason Singer talks so much about astronomy is that he wants us all to chill the f*#k out. Chill out about what?


Specifically, our lives. How does he do that?

Earth is tiny

Mainly by pointing out how insignificant our lives are in the grand scheme of the Universe. For example, did you know our planet is so small that 1.3 million Earths would fit inside the sun?

Then he pivots to how remote our world is. We live on a tiny rock spinning around in the middle of total blackness.

I wrote an article (link here) about the photo above, taken by the Voyager I space probe, from 3.7 billion miles away. It’s the most distant image of Earth ever taken.



David Gerken
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Meditation and Mindfulness teacher. Dad of three precious kids. Former writer for THE WEST WING. Follow me at davidgerken.net.