Mindful People Don’t Use These 6 Phrases

Plus what to say instead.

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Mindful People Don’t Use These 6 Phrases
Image by Freepik

I was browsing my favorite vegan supermarket when I spotted vegan egg salad.

I loved egg salad as a kid, and I thought, Yes! Finally, I can have it again. I had tried vegan egg salad once before in Germany, and it tasted exactly like I remembered — creamy, tangy, perfect.

So, the next morning, I piled a thick layer of it on my bread and took a huge bite.


It tasted nothing like what I expected so I said ‘This egg salad isn’t good at all.’

I asked Roland if he wanted to try it and he said “Nah, you said it’s not good.”

Then it hit me: the egg salad wasn’t bad — it was just different from what I imagined. My words created a reality in which this delicious spread would rot in the fridge.

That reminds me I have to go and finish it now because I never managed to convince Roland to try it.

You can’t take back the words once said, you can apologize or try to make things right but they will always stick around.

This is just a tiny example of how powerful our words are. Most of the time we are completely unaware of our power.



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