My Dad, Age 72, is Confused About Digital Nomading. What He Said Got Me Thinking.

Genuine question: Are we truly better off with this way of living?

Aldric Chen
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A girl by the beach with a suitcase and laptop.
Are we romanticizing Digital Nomads? Photo by Anastasia Nelen on Unsplash

“Son, why is he doing this? Is it worth it?”

Dad was [truly] bemused.

I don’t blame him. He was born in the 1950s. Growing up in the 1960s earmarked by political turbulence and racial riots shaped his worldview. Dad believed in societal stability.

But digital nomading confounded him. He tried. Really.

He [just]couldn’t get it.

“Is life genuinely better living on a suitcase with wheels, working on a laptop, and renting a shelter?”


I have no idea.

Siam Reap — The home of digital nomads

We visited this beautiful city 2 months ago.

It was stunning. Cultural heritage-driven architecture, street food, polite people… I can run down the list. I find no faults.

And there are many cafes.

Internationally renowned names like Starbucks and Tim Horton’s are everywhere. Local brands serving fusion desserts and coffee with a blend of local tastes could be seen at every corner of…



Aldric Chen
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.