My Frustration Is Only Hurting Myself

Musings about acceptance and frustration


Photo by Jim Witkowski on Unsplash

When I mention the words “sleazy sales tactics”, what do you think of?

Maybe it’s your least favorite used-car salesman experience.

Maybe it’s the company that keeps emailing you no matter how many times you click unsubscribe.

Or maybe it’s the high-pressure, limited-time-only offer that the idiot on the other end of the phone won’t shut up about.

I think you’ll agree with me when I say that sleazy sales tactics are the worst.

For me, they evoke feelings of disgust and frustration.

They make me wildly upset as I wonder how the people who implement them can live with themselves.

But what I realized today is that my negative reaction to these tactics is useless.

My negative feelings might inhibit me from buying the product and that might (slightly) annoy the salesperson. But eleven seconds later they are on the phone with someone else and I am still sitting here stewing.

What I am trying to say is that my judgment of their behavior is not serving me. It leads to negative emotions that I bear the cost of, not them.

