My Harvard Story

My own experience with metamorphosis

Purvee Chauhan
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Author’s own Images: (L) The first day at Harvard (R) Graduation Day

The last weekend was a celebration of grit, love, wisdom, learning, joy, and dreams — all wrapped into one. So proud to have finally attended the commencement ceremony for Harvard Class of 2020. It was extraordinary. It reminded me of all the corridors full of passionate conversations, classroom discussions giving voice to our vision, and endless mugs of coffee finding the best solutions to real-world education challenges.

Harvard changed me in ways that are unexplainable. Stepping into the campus was a dream come true — not just for me, but for all my dear ones. I remember my first day looking at the architectural marvel it is and the sheer amount of exuberance it holds. (Let me tell you, the Widener Library is huge, very much!) As much as I felt fortunate to be standing where I was, it was also intimidating. Everyone on that piece of land came with a brilliant set of achievements and it was very easy to feel small — to feel you hadn’t done enough. But then the classes began and I got consumed by the immense knowledge there is to collect — in class and out of it. And with each new discussion, I felt my brain explode with those “aha” moments. These are the moments I cherished the most.

At the end of it all, I realize I have more questions than I have answers. And, I feel so empowered by that.



Purvee Chauhan
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~ The Little Prince