My Journey with Silence: Confronting Anxiety in Quiet Places

Overcoming anxiety in silence and embracing quiet moments.

Naya Lizardo
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


As I sit here in my dimly lit hotel room, a familiar scene plays out: the television murmurs in the background while I absentmindedly type away on my laptop. Strangely, I find this combination of old TV reruns and the soft glow of my screen comforting. It’s not that I’m paying attention to the shows; in fact, I mostly tune them out. But they provide a sense of companionship that I find difficult to replicate in quiet spaces.

Paweł Pyrlik on Vecteezy

I’ve always been one to have something playing in the background, be it music or a familiar sitcom. While many might consider this a distraction, I actually find it easier to concentrate amidst the noise. Give me a bustling coffee shop or a lively bar, and I’ll find my focus. But put me in a library, and my thoughts scatter like leaves in the wind.

This preference for noise extends beyond my work habits. I also experience a sense of anxiety — a knot in my stomach — when I’m in a “too quiet” environment. It’s as if the silence presses in on me, making me feel exposed and vulnerable. It’s not that I need to watch TV or listen to music; it’s simply the presence sounds that offers me a sense of security.



Naya Lizardo
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Top Writer in Mental Health/Psychology. I focus on relationships, self-growth, mental wellness and the labyrinth of narcissistic abuse. I also dabble in poetry.