My Life Is Finally Coming Together

Patience pays off

Aiden Riley
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay

Finally, that is the word that comes to mind. Years and years of waiting. Years and years of a growing inner void. I am what I am, and there is no doubt of that. I haven’t succeeded in aspects of such fields that scream prosperity.

None of this has occurred yet.

I know we all go at our own speed. Although, that doesn’t aid the feeling of defeat. My life has been a slow process: I have wandered paths I thought were going to lead somewhere. In the end, nothing was there.

Simply an old lecturer gesturing to stop, and go another way. His finger pointed to the horizon; leaving my mind to wonder if I’ll ever find my field.

Since my 30s started, two words repeatedly appeared: wasted time. Like a grater, the two words have continuously ground my spirit. Yes, I am finally “closing the gap”. At long last, my growth is expanding.

Nonetheless, I grieve what could’ve been. Feeling like a failure in life cuts deep in people like myself. Life, although not a racetrack, we struggle to see otherwise. If life was a court of failure or success, I am sure we’d all appear before the judge.

There is always something we wish we could’ve done. Whether it’s avoiding certain events or revealing a feeling to an individual. For me…



Aiden Riley
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I deliver my opinions on society, culture, psychology, philosophy, mental health and more. I also write poetry.