My Unexpected Favorite 3 Indoor Exercises

The perfect combination for strength, flexibility, and endurance

Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Alex Shaw on Unsplash

Famous Prussian philosopher Wilhelm von Humboldt once said:

True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united.

Honoring that statement, for the last few years, I’ve been — in addition to letting the creative juices flow and indulging in mental activities — trying to find the right movement and exercise for my body. I’ve never been a fitness junkie, far from it. I had my time in the gym, working out with weights consistently. I also tried running. I was never able to establish a habit with both of these.

Lately, I have found three exercises that seem to come far more naturally. Exercises that improve three core aspects of physical activity: Strength, flexibility, and endurance.

The poetry of movement

The first type of workout — and one that came pretty unexpectedly to me — is yoga. While my wife was pregnant with our third baby, her midwife showed her multiple yoga exercises. One evening, my wife said: “Let’s do these together!” I kind of laughed it off… because I was not pregnant, right? Silly me.

