Naturally Mindful?

You may feel less pain

Laura Vismara
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Here’s what the latest research suggests about you.

According to a new study, conducted at Wake Forest School of Medicine in North Carolina and published ahead-of-print in the journal Pain, those who are more mindful and observant by nature, tend to report lower levels of pain sensitivity compared to generally non-mindful or less-mindful people.

Yes, you may feel less pain.

If you are not among the blessed ones, though, don’t get discouraged. Here’s some good news: mindfulness can be trained. I’ll show you how here.

But let’s take this step by step.

So, What is Mindfulness?

By the words of Jon Kabat-Zinn, a true pioneer in the field of mindfulness-based therapies and pain management:

Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally

Mindfulness is a state of the mind. It’s a natural human skill. And we all have it.

To some degree.

In fact, some people are naturally more aware and mindful than others. They have the innate ability to “nonreactively sustain attention to the

