Need Some Help Because You Are Floating through Life — Here’s How to Cut Your Own Path

14 powerful lessons from 27 years on the spiritual path

Damian Clark
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Spirituality. Meditation. A man walking along a dirt road.
Photo by Lisa Fotios by Pexels

“You are so calm Damian”; I used to hear this a lot.

But I was more like a duck on water. Cool exterior, but a lot is happening below the surface.

Thankfully, after a few decades of experiments and a few trusted teachers, powerful and life-changing lessons have been learned.

The following are suggestions only. Take what is appropriate and leave the rest.

#1. Make your own precepts

A set of do’s and don’t act as your protection. They stop you from entering into activities that will not serve you.

They aren’t to be applied as a set of punishments.

Yoga has the 10 Yamas and Niyamas. Buddhism has 5 precepts.

But wait there is more!

Some sects of Buddhism have over 300 more precepts. The reason for these additional precepts is to make them specific to the deepening the monks' practice.

“To not ask for a good quality robe from two dayakas who are saving money to offer one each.”

30 nissaggiyas part of 227 rules of

