Netflix’s Emily in Paris Reveals the Secrets of Work-Life Balance the French Already Know

Work like the French and live a more satisfying life

Mary Gallagher
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Elle Hughes on Unsplash

Is it just Americans that are obsessed with making money? Are Americans the only ones being duped into giving away personal time to make large corporations exorbitant profits? What can we learn from other cultures about work and life, or better put, life and work?

The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. — Henry David Thoreau

The Netflix series, Emily in Paris, chronicles a young woman’s experience as a marketing executive sent to Paris to represent the American style of marketing. After landing this dream job in the dreamiest city in the world, Emily learns a lot about how the French live compared to Americans.

I definitely prefer the French way of life as portrayed in this fun, contemporary series. As one of Emily’s co-workers said “You Americans live to work. The French work to live.”

Do Americans live life backward?

It takes Emily a while to adjust but slowly she is absorbed into the Parisian way of work and life.

When her hustle-hard, striving, egotistical New York boss shows up at the Paris office and…



Mary Gallagher
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I cut the stress, slowed down, and learned the art of intentional living. When you declutter your soul, you make room for what matters. @The Decluttered Soul