No Regrets, Just Results: The Proactive Power of Feedforward

The art of delivering constructive criticism is as crucial as being able to receive it.

Bahar Pancaroğlu
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readFeb 3, 2024


Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

The art of delivering constructive criticism is as crucial as being able to receive it. No one likes to be pointed out for their mistakes. It’s a universally uncomfortable experience, one that often triggers feelings of vulnerability and self-doubt. Too much drama! And when you find yourself on the side of giving feedback, the inclination might be to treat it like a bandaid — rip it off quickly and get it over with. Yet, true mastery involves crafting input that’s more motivational anthem than a melancholy flashback.

Enter “feedforward” — feedback’s easygoing cousin. Instead of being stuck in the past, it’s all about tossing out ideas and tips for doing better in the future. No dwelling on what went wrong, just a roadmap for success. Regular feedback can put people on the defense, but feedforward? It’s a friendly guide to improvement. No drama, just nudging in the right direction.

What is Feedforward?

Feedforward is a coaching technique that was developed by Marshall Goldsmith, a leadership coach and author. The idea is pretty simple: it’s way easier to tweak what’s coming than to mess with what’s already gone down. Rather than focusing on what has already happened, feedforward encourages individuals to look ahead and think about how they can improve their game next time around.

The feedforward process involves providing suggestions and guidance for improvement in a positive and constructive way. Instead of critiquing past behaviors or actions: No dwelling on the “shoulda, coulda, woulda.” Think of it as a friendly chat that goes, “Hey, here are some cool strategies and tips for your next move. Let’s make it even better than before.” It’s all about growth, improvement, and making those future wins happen. Feedforward is like having a coach whispering, “You’ve got this, and here’s how you can make it even more awesome!” Well, some of us thrive on positive reinforcement. Yay, me!

Benefits of Feedforward

Using feedforward as a coaching and performance improvement technique comes with a bunch of perks:

  1. Proactive approach: A forward-thinking mindset is a productivity booster. When you’re thinking about conquering what’s ahead, motivation kicks into high gear and you’re ready to tackle tasks with enthusiasm and efficiency.
  2. Positive reinforcement: Feedforward is a positive and constructive approach that gives suggestions in a friendly, “we’re in this together” manner. When you’re getting constructive suggestions, confidence grows, and success becomes an inevitable next step.
  3. Focus on solutions: Feedforward is pure forward-thinking magic. It transforms problems into projects, with everyone brainstorming solutions and feeling empowered to make positive changes. When solutions are on the table, it sparks initiative. Feedforward nudges individuals to take charge of their development and performance, turning them into proactive problem-solvers.
  4. Encourages out-of-the-box thinking: It’s like an idea incubator. Feedforward creates an environment where individuals feel encouraged to hatch new and innovative ideas for improvement. It creates a space for creative collaboration, paving the way for fresh ideas and inventive approaches.

Implementing Feedforward

Creating a feedforward-friendly environment takes a bit of effort, but the payoff in terms of growth and positivity is totally worth it. Here are some practical steps to make your workplace a feedforward-friendly environment:

  1. Set clear goals and expectations: Ensure everyone’s crystal clear on their goals and what’s expected. Give ’em the tools and backup they need to crush it.
  2. Keep Tabs on the Journey: Stay tuned to how things are unfolding. Drop a line on how they’re doing and sprinkle in some feedforward magic for improvement
  3. Encourage participation: Get everyone involved in the feedforward groove. Ask for their thoughts and suggestions.
  4. Lead by example: Show how it’s done by giving constructive, future-focused input.
  5. Skill Up: Equip your team with the tools they need! Provide training and resources to amp up their skills and knowledge, so they can level up their performance game.


Feedforward emerges as a game-changer in the realm of coaching and performance improvement. Its friendly, future-focused approach not only guides individuals toward their goals but also fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continual growth. By steering clear of past mistakes and honing in on positive suggestions, feedforward becomes a powerful force propelling businesses towards sustained success. It’s more than a technique; it’s a mindset shift that embraces improvement as a constant journey, marking the path to a thriving and dynamic future.

