No Way Out Is the Only Way Out
Think of a drop of water falling on a stone slab for years
I cut my middle finger a few months back with a knife accidentally. The blood poured out like anything. It hurt a lot. I had to go to emergency and get the tissue bandaged and everything. The scar healed in a month, but it left a mark to remind me that I used the knife in an unsafe way — at least once in my life. This is true of all types of scars, emotional, psychological, and spiritual.
It’s true that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. That’s basic evolution.
What you do is saved inside you — trillions of times, in every cell of your body, in ways scientists can’t fully comprehend. That is how your body changes itself when you decide to change yourself. Watch this TED lecture about epigenetics if you want to know more about it:
You’ll never experience evolution except in your personal life. You’ll never see lizards evolving into flying reptiles or elephants evolving into smaller donkey-like creatures. However, we saw coronavirus evolve into its…