Nobody Wants to Win, They Want to Fail Better

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning — Benjamin Franklin

Yash Sharma
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
2 min readJul 15, 2023


Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

Many people don’t want to win; they want to level up their game.

They have a burning desire to work at their full potential.

Because growth is something that helps you fail better. Without growth, can you fail better?

I don’t think so.

People feel peace when they accomplish something unbelievable. The time you got an A grade in class, you were over the moon.

Didn’t you?

That’s the power of getting better than yesterday.

Level Up Every Single Day

People want to grow, but they aren’t aware how they can.

They’ve failed a lot, seen enough humiliation, and they want to change the equation of living. But they are still confused and find it hard to leave their comfort zone.

To win in life, your focus should be getting better 1% every single day. This mindset will help you get results faster than you thought. Because you have a learning approach, you always have room for growth.

No matter at what stage you’re in life, you push yourself 1% every day.

For example, If you study for 1 hour, you push and make it 1:15 hour. That’s how your mind starts opening up to new challenges, and you become a self-driven individual.

Without a growth mindset, you can’t win. You keep living in the same loop — one day you’ll win. You doubt yourself and keep complaining about how life is unfair to you.

To beat your weak self, start building a growth mindset and give everything you’ve got at your job. Stop looking for comfort and dive deep into work to look for 1% growth every single day.

Think deeply



Yash Sharma
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

23 years old | Helping you overcome fears, make consistent improvements, and accomplish goals 10X faster.