Other People’s Perceptions of You Are None of Your Business

This might be the hardest lesson you’ll ever learn

Allison Burney
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

I’ve really been feeling the weight of life lately.

As a human adult who has a job to do, bills to pay, responsibilities to manage, relationships to care for, friendships to maintain, and a whole slew of other things vying for my attention on any given day, it can be a lot.

I think we all know this. We’ve all felt that nagging sense of overwhelm creeping up on us, or that frazzled feeling of trying to keep everything under control while just barely keeping our own heads above water. Our little legs are doing the eggbeater so rapidly under the surface of the water that we feel they might fall off at any second.

There’s no question that it can all just feel like too much sometimes.

But, of course, that’s not all we’re dealing with.

Even though general life tasks and events are more than enough for most of us to handle, we also have an added layer of stress to contend with:

Other people.

Other people’s expectations, opinions, thoughts, feelings, requests, needs, wishes, and perhaps most devastating of all—their perceptions of us.



Allison Burney
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer, ghostwriter & proofreader. On a mission to keep exploring, learning & enjoying this adventure we call life. Work with me: allisonburney.com