Out-of-Body Experience Through Meditation

And how it’s different to the one induced through drugs.

Anya Leela
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


I have been meditating every day for more than a year. Without a fail everyday I come to my meditation pillow.

Some days I am more eager, some days I don’t feel like it at all. Some days I am in a rush, some days I have plenty of time and go beyond my usual 30 minutes. Some days I feel really connected, at other times I am quite anxious.

But it doesn’t matter, I am committed.

Meditation hasn’t failed me either. There wasn’t yet a time when I meditated and felt like I shouldn’t have. I always feel calmer and more focused afterwards.

I have experimented with all kinds of meditation — guided, mantra, mindfulness, silent, transcendental, mirror meditation, visual, inner child. Whatever one there is, you name it, I’ve tried it.

Eventually I figured out which ones work best for me and got pretty good at recognizing which one I need on which day, so sometimes I switch them up.

Yesterday morning something profound happened. I woke up and felt like I needed to be with myself. I made breakfast, had a shower and climbed on my meditation pillow. Yet this time I didn’t pick up my phone, look at the time, choose a meditation routine for today…



Anya Leela
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Yoga Teacher. Background in Sociocultural Anthropology. Trying to find answers to an ultimate question “Why do we do things that we do?” | Know Why Publication