People Who Do These 3 Things Can Put and End to Brooding

It’s easier than you think to interrupt the constant thought cycle.

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Many people have asked me how they can put an end to constant brooding about their chronic pain and symptoms.

Especially when symptoms are high, it can be hard to turn off those thoughts.

Well, here it is, people who do these 3 things, definitely can stop their brooding. When you stop brooding, you help to interrupt the neural circuit that’s perpetuating your pain and symptoms.

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This video is for information purposes only. It is not medical or chiropractic advice nor does it establish a patient-provider relationship. Enjoy and learn!



Dr. Christine Bradstreet
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Editor of Change Your Mind Change Your Life and Success On The Spectrum. I wrote a book to help you be happy. Get yours at