“Photography: The Art of Relationships”

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
1 min readAug 26, 2023
Photograph by John Diamond, M.D.

Photography is the art of relationships. I take very many pictures, and I love to do so because I love the relating. The more I take of a subject, the deeper my relationship with it, the closer we become.

For example, I’m looking at the trees around me as I write. We are relating to each other, strongly, intensely. Their yin and my yang (or so it seems to me — perhaps they see it reversed). We are co-relating every moment. We are as one. If I get out my camera and photograph them, I’m perpetuating that moment between us, so that others can later know it.

Perpetuating what? Our relationship, our unity. And the unity is there to be felt with everything I photograph. For we are all One, whether we are consciously Aware of it or not.


From Dr. Diamond’s Beyond the Obvious: Photography for Healing

