Practicing Radical Self Acceptance

Because the alternative is too painful.


My husband and my children took off today for an island vacation. My husband who already travels a ton for work, and my grown children who I miss terribly because our time together these days is sparse, are taking a trip together.

I’m here at home sitting at my usual seat writing this article. I’m writing it for you, and I’m writing it for me.

I don’t want to share all the details. I’ll just say I’m having a flare up of a chronic health condition that can become quite painful.

This flare up has been problematic. So problematic I said no to the vacation.

Today I get to face the emotional consequences.

The consequences of a chronic condition that sometimes says, “Nope, Christine, you’re not going to do this.”

That’s a really hard voice to give in to.

Who wants to accept the voice that says “no”?

Today, though, there’s no hiding from that voice. There’s no denying it, or minimizing it. That voice is my companion, loud and clear.

They’re away on a trip they’ll forever remember, and I’m here.



Dr. Christine Bradstreet
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Editor of Change Your Mind Change Your Life and Success On The Spectrum. I wrote a book to help you be happy. Get yours at