Practicing the Law Of Attraction Can Be Life-Changing

Rose Goldberg
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
6 min readAug 7, 2020


Although it might sound like a basic new-age scam or like a relationship-partner attraction theory, it is neither. The Law of Attraction has been with us ever since we (or the universe) were born. But what is it, exactly, and why would it have the power to change people’s lives?

Image source: Bethany Szentesi on Unsplash.

What it is

The Law of Attraction is, by definition, one core law of the universe, which states that whatever you think and feel, you attract in your reality. In other words, it is the belief that your thoughts can change what ultimately manifests in real life.

It can be easy to downplay the power that you hold once you start using this “tool” that has, actually, been working your entire life. You’ve always been using it, just not consciously.

The Law of Attraction is like gravity in that sense. Whether you do it intentionally or not, you will still fall. Just how in life, whether we have been using the Law of Attraction intentionally or not, we have still manifested everything that is around us at all times, by thought.

During a day, the average person has between 12.000 to 60.000 different thoughts running through their minds. And we’re not aware of most of them for any more than a fraction of a second!

