Quick and Easy Aura Cleanse

for Empaths and Energy-sensitive Individuals


Image by Ri Butov - Pixabay

Have you noticed that you tend to pick up negative energy whenever you go out — even for just a short time? There are various ways to clean your energy field, such as showering and visualizing light. But if you don’t have time to use any of these when you return home, try this quick and easy technique for clearing the negative energy from your aura.

1. Rinse your face with water.

2. With both hands, briskly flick some water through the energy field around your head. About a dozen flicks should be enough.

That’s all there is to it. It only takes a few seconds, and I’ve found it to be very effective.



Jim Malloy
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I’m a meditation teacher living in Fairfield, Iowa. Trained in 1973 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, I’ve been teaching meditation for 50 years.