Quick Question: Are You Aligned With Your Relationships?
Identifying Misalignment, and Why It Will Cause You Harm
If you were to draw a picture of who you believe you are, including your values, wants and dreams, and you placed this onto a picture of who you are when you look at the relationships you currently have, how would the two align?
Would your desire for a loving and healthy relationship align with the unavailable dynamic you might be in right now?
Would your core value for honesty align with a relationship you might have that lacks open communication and is instead reliant on subliminal messages and covert contracts?
Would your value for true intimacy align with the casual hookups you have that make you feel dissatisfied the next day at the thought of only being someone’s interest for brief periods?
Would your value for respect align with the mistreatment you’re recieving at the hands of someone else?
All of us have our own unique set of core values, a set of enduring beliefs by which we would like to operate life through.
And yet, despite these speaking to our authentic selves, they couldn’t be further away from the values we may be acting out.