Racism in New Thought? Hell no! The Empowering Story of Rev. Johnnie Colemon

Teaching people how to live better lives by changing their consciousness

Marilyn Flower
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo courtesy of Facebook, collaged by author in Canva.com

When you’re brilliant beyond brilliant, and the mainstream still doesn’t accept you, do you fight for recognition? Or start your own movement?

The Reverend Dr. Johnnie Colemon did both.

She sure ‘showed them,’ when the new thought Christ Universal Temple she founded became the first and one of the largest ‘megachurches’ on Chicago’s South Side with 20K members.

Her and its mission was and are to teach people how to live better lives by changing their consciousness and healing their minds. 4,000 people gather on Sundays to learn not so much what to think, but how to think. t

The late mayor, Harold Washington’s memorial was held at Christ Universal Temple. And Barack Obama’s spoken there twice, once as senator and again while president.

So who was this ‘first lady of New Thought?’

Colemon was born in Columbus, Mississippi in 1920. Her parents were active church members and encouraged their daughter to get involved. It took.



Marilyn Flower
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer? https://linktr.ee/marilynflower