Read This if You You’re Not Getting What You Want in Life

There’s 3 Psychological Updates You Must Make

Kurtis Pykes
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image created by author using Midjourney

You don’t have to settle.

Getting what you want is possible.

In the words of renowned motivational speaker Eric Thomas, “You can be! You can have! You can do whatever you want! But you’re going to have to free yourself.

The notion of freeing yourself is a cliche in self-improvement culture.

All it means is you must release your mind from the limits placed on it by yourself and others.

While it sounds like a pretty straightforward concept, many struggle and continue to produce outcomes they don’t want.

I know this because I’ve been there…

For years, I was struggling to grow on Medium.

I was putting in tons of hours and not seeing much results.

Fast-forward to now: I’ve accumulated more followers in the past three months than in my first three years on the platform.

What changed?

I became aware of the 3 psychological updates that MUST occur before achieving something you want.

I’ll show you exactly what they are in the remainder of this article…

