Real Artists Ship. No Exceptions.

As a creator of absolutely anything, never forget this


Photo by Dylan McLeod on Unsplash

Sometimes I think back to the hours, days, and weeks I spent submitting my writing to big publications. The Ascent, Mind Café, The Startup, etc.

I would polish my articles as best I could, double and triple check my writing, refer to their submission guidelines. Only to get an automated message later saying ‘better luck next time champ!’

Sometimes I wonder if I should try again with them. I wonder if the ideas in my articles were original enough. I wonder if the titles were captivating enough.

Then I think, f*ck that.

I would write an article that took me multiple sittings, spend time making sure it was just right, and then submit it only to let two weeks get wasted waiting for an answer that was evidently a no.

Then sometimes I would edit them again in an attempt to get it accepted, resubmit it, wait again for a week or two, and it’s still a no. Most of the time, you don’t even know why you didn’t get accepted either so you’re just taking shots in the dark.

I got so tired of it.

I had so much patience for publications that never gave anything back to me. So I instead developed impatience.

