Reality TV Stars Show Us How NOT to Be Mindful of Emotion

Learn from reality TV not to be the slave of your feelings.

Michael Papas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Josh Granovsky

I have a confession to make.

Recently my roommate and I, bored, threw on a reality TV drama compilation. I’ll admit, it was my suggestion. But we went with it and observed twenty minutes of fights, arguments, and general spice.

It was an emotional storm. Like children in a playground, reality TV stars are played like puppets by their feelings. They don’t navigate but react to the emotions— especially anger — that arise when co-stars do inevitably awful things.

This seems to be the point of reality TV. It’s what’s entertaining. I say so because that’s what I enjoyed about this compilation — riding an emotional rollercoaster is as fun as riding a real one.

But, to my surprise, reality TV offered lessons about mindfulness, self-awareness, and emotional regulation— lessons I want to share. Indeed,

Considering the unawareness of reality TV stars will help amplify your own awareness.

Master and Slave: You and Emotion

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Michael Papas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Insights from neuroscience, non-dual mindfulness, and psychedelics to upgrade your awareness. For gigs or just to chat, get me at