Regenerative Fashion: What Is It and Why We Need to Switch To It

Fashion that repairs the earth

Anaïs Schlienger
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


The fashion industry is the 3rd biggest water consumer and the 5th biggest greenhouse gas emitter in the world. It generates 5 000 000 tons of discarded clothing waste in the USA every year. This needs to change.

Indeed, cotton is the most water-intensive raw material, and manufacturing generates negative externalities — such as water, environmental, and biodiversity pollution.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The Concept of Regenerative Agriculture

If we need to reduce our consumption and improve the recycling process, we can also act on the value chain, by changing all the activities leading to the creation of the piece of clothing. Regenerative fashion changes the usual approach, by conditioning the garment so that it becomes a resource and not a waste product.

Regenerative fashion goes beyond being organic — its ultimate goal is to enrich the earth. The piece of clothing is composed exclusively of natural organic fibers — which are themselves the result of enriching cultivation processes. No depletion of soil my monoculture, no use of pesticides nor fertilizers, and respect for local biodiversity.

