Restorative Yoga to Welcome Spring

Drop judgement and allow both restlessness and spaciousness this season.

Kate Lynch
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


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Springtime is about welcoming opportunities for growth. The inherent restlessness we may feel is what gives us the energy to spring clean, to shake things up, get out in nature, and to revise the systems that no longer serve us.


What if, rather than “should-ing” on ourselves, we create space for our uncertainty and even for uneasiness? Let’s drop our expectations and allow both restlessness and spaciousness. There is no need to judge your mind for doing what it does best: Scanning for danger and what needs to be done.

During this season, I’m guided by this wisdom:

“It’s a transformative experience to simply pause instead of immediately filling up the space. By waiting, we begin to connect with fundamental restlessness as well as fundamental spaciousness.”
— Pema Chödrön

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Restorative Yoga Practice



Kate Lynch
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Mindfulness & yoga for parents of neurodivergent kids. Upcoming book: Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents. Subscribe to connect!