Rewrite Your Own Narratives …

Do you keep repeating the same behavior or patterns?

Susan J Hilger
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


woman sitting on a rock overlooking a beautiful village, she’s in a red top and jeans, long auburn hair

Do you ever wonder why you continue in relationships that aren’t working or keep repeating a behavior in the same old negative pattern?

In most of these situations, we have fabricated a convenient and protective story around our ‘why’, and we tend to get stuck on a treadmill of making ‘not the best choices’ justified by the same story. Perhaps we convince ourselves that the relationship is comfortable even though it brings us more pain and discomfort as time goes on.

I write and talk often about these stories because most of my clients struggle working through them and because we ALL do this. We all have at least one story that keeps us safe from ‘old stuff.’ In other words, we created these in our past to protect us, and today they are not serving us in the same way. These stories can stay with us a long time, and they are all of our making. I can name so many instances where I had the perfect story to help me continue with the same protective and self defeating behavior.

What happens when you don’t recognize this in yourself? You stay on the hamster wheel feeling immensely frustrated knowing you are the responsible party making the same choices, and you don’t have a clear understanding of why?



Susan J Hilger
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I love my pups, my partner and the sea. I spend my days working with people who know how to make money, & have all the toys, yet they want so much more!