Science Proposes a New Gold Standard in Chronic Pain and Symptom Treatment

And it’s not so new after all.

Photo by Jeremy Alford on Unsplash

Recently a new scientific study landed in my inbox. It proposes a new gold standard in chronic pain and symptom treatment.

The funny thing is, there’s really nothing new about it. It may seem new to traditional medical care providers, but the mind-body industry has been familiar with it for years.

What is it? Watch and learn!

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This video is for information purposes only. It is not medical or chiropractic advice nor does it establish a patient-provider relationship. Enjoy and learn!

The study summary:

The study:



Dr. Christine Bradstreet
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Editor of Change Your Mind Change Your Life and Success On The Spectrum. I wrote a book to help you be happy. Get yours at