Searching for a Way of Being

In the middle way between chaos and order, we find our reason to live

Vincent Van Patten
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
7 min readFeb 15, 2021


Photo by Laura Vinck on Unsplash

At dusk, I look outside the window and notice the pink clouds floating by in the darkening sky. It’s been a challenging day, one of those when the big questions feel more daunting than inspiring.

What am I really doing this for, any of it? How am I connecting with not just the work, but the way I’m living my life? I head outside to ruminate on the thoughts in my head, the ones that won’t seem to unravel.

As I walk the usual route of my neighborhood I come across a dirt path I haven’t seen before even though I pass it nearly every day — my awareness shifts.

I feel like wandering the uncharted terrain and being alone in the cold night air. I pass prickly cacti that take on the red shade of the setting sun. I reach the top of the hill and look out into the expansive landscape of marshland and serene waterways that lead to the ocean.

I breathe in deep, close my eyes, and feel my rapid heartbeat slow. I open my eyes; just be. The ocean appears slate gray; the horizon is indistinguishable from the evening sky.

All that’s within my gaze seems to exist in harmony — an agreement of opposite forces that work together to create one congruent whole.



Vincent Van Patten
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Exploring what lights my soul on fire while living in Japan. Host of The Dare to Dream Podcast