Self-Love Stinks. Try This Instead.

Self-discipline is better and not commercialized, yet

Sneha Saigal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Andra C Taylor Jr on Unsplash

What images come to mind when you think about “self-love”?

You picture bubble baths, spas, mani-pedis, shopping, and cake, right?

That’s what most people envision “loving thyself” is.

And the media caught on with it.

They commercialized everything from bubble tea to Thera-guns as something we needed to get in on if we loved ourselves.

I am not against the idea of investing in yourself and treating yourself to massages and pick-me-ups. I am only wary of the superficiality of it all.

Because self-love is acceptance. It is compassion. It is growth through discomfort. It is doing the hard things. It is tough love. It is discipline.

It is staying off social media even if you can’t, to avoid dopamine addiction.

It is having tough conversations before they get tougher.

It is facing your fears to improve yourself.

Think about the people you admire the most and the path, challenges, and roadblocks they have overcome to get where they are.

For example, a writer who shows up every day to write even though they haven’t seen any…



Sneha Saigal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I write about PR for startups, founder wellness, immigrant founders and writerpreneurship!!