Self-Synchrony: A Visual Approach

The art of aligning with your own values

Cynthia Giles
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Graphics created by the author

What is “Self-Synchrony”?

Briefly — that feeling you have when:

  • Decisions seem obvious
  • Actions seem natural
  • Life seems to flow rather than flounder

I can’t tell you how to get there — everyone has their own path. But I can offer a visual aid that I thought of one day, and have sometimes gone back to when feeling disconnected from myself.

The picture above seems to speak for itself, but just in case not . . . I’ve provided a few words:

If any of that strikes a chord, you might find this worksheet useful:

Brief explanation:

Some of your personal traits may align naturally with your core values — but some may not. So use the left side of the worksheet to consider how your tendencies and choices support (or don’t) self-synchrony.

Core values are not static, and may shift in a positive or negative direction over time. So use the right side of the worksheet to reflect on influences (such as life events and relationships) that may be affecting your self-alignment.

Hope this comes in handy!



Cynthia Giles
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer at large, Ph.D. in interdisciplinary humanities. Persistently curious! Launching Complexity Press, Summer 2024.