Sense of Acceptance: How to Deal With it

Asad Sheikh
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readMay 12, 2020

There may be situations where you gave a valid opinion but it was thrown away. Where your most relevant argument is considered as totally irrelevant.

When your words make total sense to you and you believe you have put forward a logical thought. All you get is Splish splash your opinion is trash!

Your sense of acceptance is deprived of recognition that you sought in your words.

Why you desire acceptance?

You exist in an environment where everyone wants to be heard. Whether you are having formal communication, one-to-one interactions, exchanging hellos with a stranger, or just a chit chat with the laundry guy. You are programmed to feel accepted in a social setting.

When others agree with your opinion, it hits the neuron cells in your brain that shoot up your level of recognition. You begin to believe that you are always right which may lead to disappointment.

Acceptance with perception

Whatever you say, will be interpreted by others according to their unique thinking perspective. The classic example of whether the glass is half-full or half-empty is representative of the fact.

Perceptual differences must be appreciated to achieve a sense of acceptance. Even identical twins that look alike, walk and talk the same way, dress similarly, have one thing uncommon and that is their ability to perceive differently.

It is your conversational responsibility to honor other’s viewpoints. You have to give acceptance so it will come back to you. Others have the same need as you do. It is sometimes better to lose an argument rather than losing the relationship.

When they don’t agree

You may strike a similarity match of thinking wavelength and end up praising others’ intelligence because they simply agreed to what you said.

Or they hold up a different opinion, and then instantly you feel challenged. How they could not understand a simple thing that is acceptable to you.

You should have opted for a healthy debate. Rather your negative sense of acceptance took over and you end up turning it into a heated argument.

Satisfying your sense of acceptance

The constant need to satisfy the urge of acceptance is at the moment. It will regenerate even after instant satisfaction. You can have a look at the following talking points that may assist you in achieving your acceptance goals.

Acknowledge that it exists. You need to aware of the fact that the sense of acceptance drives your reactions in a setting. It is working your subconscious mind by issuing signals for or against the person with whom you are speaking. Put an intentional thought where it starts to become reactive.

Opinions are mere opinions and not stated facts. Realize that your opinion comes from your thoughts, and thoughts can deviate easily. It is prone to errors and therefore you could be wrong. People are smart enough to analyze where you are drifting off the path. Don’t expect to achieve acceptance when your opinion is not relevant.

It works reciprocally. It is not only you that has to fulfill the desire of acceptance. The environment is working in a way where everybody wants to make a mark. Interactions are the bridge that makes you realize it works two-way. You can not please your impulse at the expense of others.

Photo by @thiszun (follow me on IG, FB) from Pexels

It is at the moment. You need to understand the fact that the achievement of a sense of acceptance is short-lived. Never mind if you couldn’t accomplish in a certain scenario. It will be overridden in the same conversation once your words get acknowledged.

Iterations of non-fulfillment can lead to negativity. You won’t hit success in attaining the sense of acceptance in all your talks. Realize that it can impact your perceptive ability if you catch up with the iterations. You don’t have to continue thinking about that person who was rude to your comment. Move on to the next best person.

Acceptability is the norm nowadays. To be charismatic, you need to determine where you rank on the acceptance scale. You can control it by presenting forward your thoughts that are not biased, offensive, illogical, or absurd. You can not control the achievement of your sense of acceptance. It is derived within and more related to what others think about your opinion.

It works reciprocally. It is not only you that has to fulfill the desire of acceptance. The environment is working in a way where everybody wants to make a mark. Interactions are the bridge that makes you realize it works two-way. You can not please your impulse at the expense of others.

It is at the moment. You need to understand the fact that the achievement of a sense of acceptance is short-lived. Never mind if you couldn’t accomplish in a certain scenario. It will be overridden in the same conversation once your words get acknowledged.

Iterations of non-fulfillment can lead to negativity. You won’t hit success in attaining the sense of acceptance in all your talks. Realize that it can impact your perceptive ability if you catch up with the iterations. You don’t have to continue thinking about that person who was rude to your comment. Move on to the next best person.

Acceptability is the norm nowadays. To be charismatic, you need to determine where you rank on the acceptance scale. You can control it by presenting forward your thoughts that are not biased, offensive, illogical, or absurd. You can not control the achievement of your sense of acceptance. It is derived within and more related to what others think about your opinion.



Asad Sheikh
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I am here to give meaning to my thoughts and experience, leaving them documented to reflect on how they change and affect the writings