Seven Highly Effective Free Hacks to Juice up Your Life Instantly

Spice Up Your Existence, Juicify Your Life

Lucien Lecarme
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Got stuck in the sweet spot of safety and security? Feeling depressed? Is your sex life gone fishing?

It’s OK, we’ve all been there, but don’t make it your life sentence.

What you might need is some juiciness, baby.

Juiciness is the direct experience of unbound life force expressing itself through you in an almost tangible erotic way. You don’t know what’s next but you know its gonna be good.

A few years ago, I had an acceleration in my life at the end of a relationship. On many levels, things shifted like a dambreak. By letting go consciously, stacked energy flooded parts of the dried-up grasslands of my life for new flowers to bloom.

Why not continuously challenge life to press out its nectar from every vein of its potential? By applying the following seven steps, you can start experiencing this today!

Let’s get down to it.

1. Change your habits

The addition of vinaigrette to freshly roasted vegetables…



Lucien Lecarme
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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